prayer: comfort.

This prayer has been one that tugged at my heart since the moment I read it. It’s one that I so very deeply need to constantly pray in order to remind myself that the fears whispered to me daily are all lies, fleeing in His truth. Have you ever wondered how to let go of the grasp you hold on revolving thoughts? Thoughts that steal your joy, trigger anxiety or  depression? I have. I’ve wondered this so many times. I’ve contemplated whether I would ever find the right medicine, the right “hobby”, the right “security” in different ways of the world, just anything… Anything that would remove these thoughts that create so much fear in my heart and soul. The only comfort I have found has been in His promises, His truth. The enemy targets our fears, insecurities and weaknesses specifically to destroy us. The enemy has one mission; to destroy. So often I have become so insecure in my fear and anxiety that I think, “the enemy doesn’t specifically target me, he doesn’t even know who I am, I’m not important.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

The Lord seeks me. I am His. I am loved by Him. I am His daughter. I am never alone.

Therefore, I am never unimportant or forgotten. Not even to the enemy. The enemy may be vicious, but he is NOT victorious. I am fully armed to conquer his lies with the Lord’s armor, the Lord’s truth.

So, I will continue to fight these fears. I will continue to battle his lies that my anxiety or depression will steal my joy. I will continue to fight the thoughts in my head telling me that I will lose everything I love, ending up alone. I will always be victorious in defeating these lies with the Lord’s truth. Pray with me.

Lord, I am safe with you. 

With you, Lord, I am not afraid. Your shelter and shadow comfort me in my loneliness. I will proclaim out loud, “You are my refuge and my fortress; therefore, I will not fear.” 

As a refuge, You are my quick place to duck into when fear starts nipping at the edges of my emotions. I close my eyes and proclaim out loud Your promise to be my safe place. I remind fear that I will not entertain his whispered lies. His lies tell me I’ll always be alone, and yet Your truth assures me I’m never alone. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. This isn’t dependent on a person. It’s a security I have in you. 

Yes, You are my refuge. 

And You are my fortress. A fortress is a strong, high place. It’s the place You lift m so fear can no longer have access to me. Fear can’t catch what it can no longer reach. What a comfort that is. You lift me high like this when I lift my soul in worship of Your holy name. 

Worship is what unlocks this high place – the place where fear can’t come. Lies flee in the presence of truth. And fear flees with the first utterance of praising Your name, You are my Lord. I bow low to lift you up, my Lord, my love, the protector of my soul. 


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