prayer: protection.

The scariest thing for me is feeling as if I miss God’s direction  leading me to discover my purpose. After many  failed attempts at success whether it be with my furniture business,  makeup business, body wrap business, and so on… It’s easy for me to believe the enemy telling me that I am just not good enough to succeed. It’s easy for me to hear the enemy feeding my fear when I try new things. The enemy whispers doubt, rejection, disappointment, unworthiness, failure, embarrassment; targeting my biggest insecurities so intentionally that it can’t be ignored.

But, God’s truth defeats the enemy’s lies each and every time.

I am worthy. I have a purpose. I am protected. I am loved. I am destined to bring beauty and love into the world that God designed only for my heart to give. I am protected. I am forgiven. There are things to come that will fill my life with such joy that He must only reveal to me little by little, preventing my heart from feeling too overwhelmed. I must be still, taking in all of His love and seizing any opportunity I’m given to share that.

I will choose today to see these opportunities that have passed not as failures, but His protection. I will choose to see it all as His goodness. I will look to Him, with a thankful heart, and I will say; “Thy will be done. I trust in Your faithfulness, Lord.”

Pray with me. Share your prayer requests below or comments.

Lord, You cover me, and Your faithfulness protects me.

The fowler not only traps birds but also shoots them down with his silent but deadly arrows. Lord, You protect me not only from my enemy’s traps but from his direct attacks and assaults as well. It is Your faithfulness that shields me and surrounds me on all sides. This rejection I’m facing right now feels so deeply wounding that it’s hard to feel protected. I’m going to stand on truth rather than my feelings and proclaim that this rejection isn’t a piercing by the enemy but rather a protection by You. 

Your covering has kept me safe, even if I can’t see that full picture right now. Baby birds under their mother’s wing rarely know the full story of what happens on the outside. They don’t need to know the details, and neither do I. If this now broken dream was Your best, You wouldn’t have kept me from it. And if it is Your best sometime in the future, the enemy won’t be able to keep me from pursuing it. 

But for now, I have peace that there’s a purpose for this pain. I don’t need to control it. I’m just going to embrace it as good for today. Shield me from the enemy’s darts of doubt, discouragement, and division. Surround me with your reassurance, inspiration, and unity. Make me brave. Make me steadfast. 

Thank You for your certainty of Your protection.


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