prayer: receiving His rest.

If you’re anything like me, rest for my heart and mind doesn’t come easy in the midst of feeling like I don’t have things figured out the way I’d like, which is the majority of the time, to be honest.  I tend to sit and stir on things without saying a word, I’ll dissect a single sentence over and over in my head with the hopes that it won’t feel like such a sting if I just were able to get to the root of its meaning. The “what if” scenarios can literally steal my entire day before I even can look up and realize that it’s gone, the babies are tucked in bed soundly sleeping and none of the chaos I played out in my mind is actually happening. Those scenarios are truly sneaky, deceitful, cruel little thieves of my rest.  The enemy seems to target my mind, in each and every place most vulnerable, instantly as I try to rest after a long day  when I need it most. Do you ever feel like you  just need to sleep in order to forget the hurt racing through your heart?  Do you ever  lay your head down only to find the enemy running laps instead of pacing, multiplying the negative thoughts and replaying every worry in your mind? It really is very irritating and I’ve only found one solution. Prayer. Resting in His truth. Resting in His love and forgiveness for me.  Resting in His grace. So, below is the 2nd prayer I wanted to share with you. Rest.

Lord, I receive your rest. 

I need rest from the incessant hard emotions. Dry my tears. I don’t want to bottle up my emotions in any way, but I do want Your help to control them. I don’t want my emotions to hold me- or those  I do life with- hostage in any way. Help me process what I feel in healthy, productive ways.

Your shadow is like a shade on a hot, scorching day; it’s the place where I can acknowledge what I feel. But You give me enough relief that those feelings don’t consume me. You are the only one who can do this. No other person or distraction is mighty enough. Forgive me for chasing lesser things. 

Forgive me for trying to get from people a love that only You can give. Yes, I choose to stop the chase and the unhealthy pursuits and place my trust in You. This is the rest I desperately need. 


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