the enemy’s plans.

the enemy’s plans

I’ve contemplated on this post for weeks. I’ve journaled about it. I’ve prayed about it. I’ve gone over it time and time again in my head. But I’ve only been able to come to one conclusion, God will lead me through writing this in order for it to reach the hearts He intends for it too. I can’t aim to post something everyone will love or want to read, I can only pay attention to what He is speaking to me. My intentions for this blog was never to publicize it, obviously, that’s changed now… For a few reasons.

« I will end up hoarding journals. #savethetrees

« My hand cramps a lot less typing

« I’m trying to shift my focus away from sharing deep thoughts on Facebook, blogging feels more appropriate for the things I wish to share

« I felt led to share whatever it may be that I choose to share, not for “likes”, “followers” or “attention” but for the possibility that it reaches the heart needing it most. God is constantly knocking at our door; some may open their door in the midst of a heartbreak, some may open it in the midst of a loss, some may open it after experiencing a “miracle”, some may open it after hearing just the right sermon they needed that Sunday, and some may open it seeing that others can openly admit they’re sinners… yet they’re still holy and dearly, loved. 

I’ve already covered my thoughts on the enemy’s plans in a few other posts but I can’t seem to ignore His tugging at my heart to express it a bit more. I want to clarify, I constantly (as in daily basis constantly) struggle with defeating these strategic plans set out to destroy me. By no means have I “mastered” defeating these plans but here’s the beautiful thing about that; I never will. I have my moments of clarity followed quickly by moments of insanity. There’s beauty in coming to the realization that I can not simply overcome this on my own, leaving me only one choice… Seek Him, trust Him, lean on Him, at all times.

Will I fall prey to the enemy’s schemes? Yes, more than I may like to admit.

How do I choose to stand again? Guard my heart with God’s presence, His love, His truth.

The enemy shivers at the mere thought of me seeking God’s truth over his strategic plans set out to steal my joy.

The enemy falls each time I am given the opportunity to choose resentment, insecurity, anger but instead choose forgiveness, trust, grace.

« The enemy flees in the presence of truth »

The enemy doesn’t look over you, you’re a child of God.

The enemy doesn’t overlook an opportunity to steal your joy. Yet, your joy cannot be stolen when your heart rests in God’s truth.

The enemy doesn’t dismiss his next opportunity when you don’t fall at his first push, he thrives on it. While God will never do you harm. 

Do you ever silently convince yourself that you’re not fit to be somewhere you haven’t even arrived yet? Whether it be a party, work meeting, job interview… Maybe not even a physical destination, maybe it’s an emotional destination for you; happiness, peace, joy, confidence, love, forgiveness.

Do you ever find yourself purposefully ignoring the call of forgiveness or grace due to your own pride? Pride is the enemy’s secret weapon; it’s the needle in a haystack type of weapon, finding the black ink you just marked on your black pants type of weapon. It’s always there, maybe hidden somedays more than others but we must never be mistaken; pride will never miss your call. 

Do you ever find yourself dissecting a stranger’s glance at you in passing, telling yourself that they didn’t like _____ about you? “They must think this outfit looks horrible on me, I knew I shouldn’t have tried to pull it off…” or “They must think I’m a horrible mother because I just raised my voice at my kids in public…” Who knows, whatever it may be for you. You fill in the blanks, not everyone may feel these moments of insecurity but for those of you who do? Me too. 

Do you ever find yourself questioning your spouse’s faithfulness to you? Maybe you snoop, mama turned private investigator… Maybe you drop into their office to make sure they’re really working late… Maybe you just blow up their phone… Maybe you greet them with a list of questions instead of a hug as soon as they walk in the door.. I’ve been there. I’ve had my moments of asking myself, “what in the world was I thinking… I can’t believe I went that far… I. am. embarassed.” Maybe you haven’t quite gone that far; maybe you’ve just silently destroyed your relationship by convincing yourself of events that never took place, toxic thoughts that never crossed anyone’s mind but your own. 

Do you ever find yourself leaving an empty toilet paper roll in the bathroom instead of replacing it? Just kidding. No. Seriously, it’s a sin. *Joking* #dotherightthing

It’s so very hard for me to wrap my head around but I truly believe…





The enemy is everywhere. The enemy will convince us so discreetly that we are not even good enough for him to notice, yet he eats away at our joy like a cancer…

The enemy is the “they’ll get over it” when we know we are being unkind. Living in God’s truth : I choose kindness and love.

The enemy is the “they’re not worthy of my grace, they shouldn’t have hurt me” when we have the choice to forgive. Living in God’s truth : I choose grace as it’s been given to me countless times when least deserved; I choose grace because I pray it will be shown to me by those I have hurt.

The enemy is “my depression will always rule my life” when we stumble on our road of self improvement. Living in God’s truth : I choose to live knowing I am holy and dearly LOVED. I am enough. I was destined and designed for beauty, purpose, fulfillment. I am so deeply protected from the toxic grasp of depression if I enable myself to just, let. go. 

The enemy is “I am such an outcast” in a room full of people who God has set in our path specifically to make our/their way to Him more clear. Living in God’s truth : I was placed along this path, to be where I stand, right in this moment, in order to meet God’s assignment for me here today. I stand here, never alone, with His love and security wrapped around me. Every path holds His purpose for me whether it may be revealed to me today or not. 

The enemy has a roadmap to our journey to God’s purpose for us, he won’t miss a single turn… Living in God’s truth : I am secure in knowing that God knows every inch of that journey, all I have to do is focus solely on His presence to find my detour in passing the enemy’s roadblocks. 

We must armor ourselves with the only protection strong enough to defeat him…

Placing our focus on God → Placing our faith in His truth ↑ Placing His truth in our decisions ←

We must stray from justifying our thoughts and actions outside of God’s will.

We must stray from letting feelings such as anger, emptiness, rejection to grab our attention away from God.

We must remember these words:

“My soul was hand designed to be richly satisfied in deep places by the Word of God. When I go without nourishment of truth, I will crave filling my spiritual hunger with temporary physical pleasures, thinking they will somehow treat the loneliness inside. These physical pleasures can’t fill me, but they can numb me. Numb souls are never growing souls. They wake up one day feeling so very distant from God and wondering how in the world they got there.

Since Satan’s goal is to sepearate us from the Lord, this is exactly how he wants us to stay. But the minute we turn to His Word is the minute the gap between us and God is closed. He is always near. His Word is full and fully able to reach those deep places inside us desperate for truth.” 

The Devil is vicious,

but he is NOT victorious.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Kristen says:

    Placing our focus on God → Placing our faith in His truth ↑ Placing His truth in our decisions ←

    Talk about GOLD!
    I thouroughly enjoyed this and have had this in my heart for quite some time, you hit the nail on the head! Beautiful!
    SO thankful we have such a wonderful God!!🙌🏼🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. brooke craney says:

      Thank you so much!

      It makes me so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! Sometimes I feel like I’m rambling once I write about this because I could go on and on!

      & amen, He is so incredibly wonderful! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kristen says:

        Yes, I completely understand!! I have a post in my drafts “lies of the enemy” but I feel like I just ramble in it so I haven’t published, you said it so beautifully!!


  2. Kasey says:

    I really needed this. I am battling some inner demons that cause me to have some dark thoughts and opinions. Thank you for sharing…


  3. Andy Craney says:

    This is simply amazing. I somehow keep finding your words when I least expect it but need them the most. Maybe I’m crazy but I don’t think I’m finding them, I think God is leading me to them. I thank God for putting you in my life every single day. I love you baby.


  4. Andy Craney says:

    This is easily my favorite one of your blog posts. It seriously gives me chills every time I read it.


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